
As a 硅谷 public university, San José State is committed to closing equity gaps. 创新 is not just about technology; it is about elevating diverse voices and empowering creative solutions for a better future. 

We invite you to partner with us on this unique opportunity to build community and 庆祝黑人工程师.

BEW会议赞助 顶级
Black 工程 Golf Social 4 passes 4 passes 2 passes 1 pass
Juneteenth Tech Interactive BEST Mixer 8 passes 4 passes 2 passes 1 pass
Logo on Recognition Slides, Websites, Shirt and Backdrop X X X X
Company Site Lunch Hosting Opportunity (Limited Availability) X X X X
Social Media Promotional Posts X X X X
Possible Speaking Opportunity X X X  
2023 BEST at the TECH Tabling (June, October, November) X X    
B.E.S.T暑期体验项目 X X    
Cultural Wealth Research Study X      
Sponsor NSBE Students to the NSBE National Convention X      
Golf Social Title Day Sponsor X      
Opening Day Title Day Sponsor X      
BEST at the TECH Title Day Sponsor X      


*Funds are used to support student programming, research and events.


Many companies what to connect with black engineers. 这条管道是最大的 leak in the transition from freshman to sophomore year in college. 你可以建立一个 relationship with student as early as their freshman year so there is brand recognition for your company and the student are more
likely to stay in engineering and science. 


  1. Help retain black students in engineering by building  relationship with students 在他们职业生涯的早期 
  2. Help students become familiar with your organization 在他们职业生涯的早期
  3. Nuture an environment where black professionals in your company get to network with other black professionals around the bay area

黑人工程师周 is supported by 

Adobe直观的JabilLumentum微芯片NVIDIAServiceNowSiemens菠菜网lol正规平台 Office of 多样性, Equity and InclusionSynopsys