Enrollment Limit and Waitlist


Enrollment Limit for Undergrads

  • 所有本科生 have an initial unit limit of 17 units.
  • 毕业生 who have a graduation application on file for 2024年秋季, 2025年春季 or Summer 2025 with the 注册商’s Office by March 29, 2024, can register up to 19 units without a petition beginning Mon, June 24, 2024.
  • 持续的学生 in good standing can register for up to 19 units 没有请愿书 从2024年7月1日星期一开始.
  • All Continuing Students in good standing may submit an Excess Unit petition to register up to 21 units on Mon, July 1, 2024.  This will be 可在 注册官表格页面.  

看到 this table for illustration of dates when unit limit will increase:

学生类型 最大单位负荷
4/23/24-6/23/24 6/24/24-6/30/24 开始7/1/24
New admits and students on academic notice 17 17 17
17 17 19, 20-21*
(applied for graduation by 3/29/24)
 17  19 20-21*

*要求 超额单位请愿书 to raise the enrollment limit above 19 and up to 21 units. 这份请愿书将是 可在 注册主任表格页 从2024年7月1日星期一开始.


Graduate students have an enrollment limit of 16 units per semester.  如果你需要 more than 16 units, submit the 超额单位请愿书, 可用 at the 研究生入学 & Program Evaluation (GAPE) website

Please note that some departments, especially those in the College of 工程, enforce a maximum registration of 12 units. Departmental policies take precedence over the university-imposed limit and will be enforced. 



The waitlist provides students with a process to help them enroll in a class that is full when seats become 可用. The waitlist process runs nightly from April 23, 2024 through Aug. 30, 2024 

看到 菠菜网lol正规平台目录 寻求协助:

  • 注册Waitlist
  • Issues that prevent you from enrolling in classes
  • 的付款信息

Reasons waitlisted students will not be automatically enrolled, check the following:

Automated Waitlist Reprioritization

The waitlist will be adjusted to give priority to graduating seniors and graduating graduate students starting May 14, 2024 through Aug. 30, 2024.  In order to move to the top of the waitlist, you must meet 一个 of the following categories:

  • 毕业生 who have applied for 2024年秋季, 2025年春季 or Summer 2025 graduation
  • Graduate students with an approved candidacy form on file and a minimum of 21 units 赢得了

Variable Waitlist Unit Limit


  • During the first three weeks of the advance registration, students are limited to 5个候补单位.
  • 从5月14日开始, the Variable Waitlist Unit Limit will apply. The Variable Waitlist Unit Limit defines the 可用 units a student can waitlist 在给定时间. 公式如下: Variable Waitlist Unit Limit = 17减去注册单位
        • Variable Waitlist Unit will be activated once a student enrolls in 至少一门课 (regardless of the amount of units)
        • 轮候名单单位限制 保持在17 despite the raise of enrollment limits or approved of excess units petition.
        • The system will refresh the student’s enrollment on 每晚一次. 看到 table below for an example of the nightly changes on the variable waitlist:
  周一 周二 周三 周四 星期五
总单位 17 17 17 17 17
登记 0 6 11 12 14
公屋轮候册单位 5 11 6 5* 5*

*The 可用 waitlist units will remain at 5 once your enrollment has reached 12 或者更多单位.


  • Waitlist is limited to 5 units for the entire registration period.