



Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication, Family Communication, Resilience, Mental Health, Substance Use, Palliative Care, Patient-Provider Relationship, Implementation 科学,退伍军人


The main question that drives my research is, "What features of interpersonal communication 增进个人健康和福祉?“我从健康的角度来审视这个问题 以及家庭背景. In health, I explore features of patient-provider-caregiver communication and how these communication behaviors and patterns impact individual health outcomes including mental and physical health as well as health care utilization and health 管理,如药物依从性. 在家庭方面,我很感兴趣 in how communication within a family system, particularly families that are considered 高风险(e.g., parental substance misuse), influences offspring developmental outcomes including mental health, substance use behaviors, and resilience. 我采用混合方法 and frequently collaborate with health care systems (i.e.帕洛阿尔托退伍军人事务部 Health Care System, Stanford University School of Medicine, Santa Clara Valley Medical) and organizations pertaining to my research interests (i.e.(戒酒会世界服务处). 我的研究目标是实现编程(e.g.、工作坊、物料资源) that facilitates change in communication behavior and promotes improved health and 幸福.



I am working on two projects that directly address current events. 首先,我的合作研究员 role on the Presence for Racial Justice study explores communication strategies that 防止医学上的反黑人种族主义. 具体来说,我们正在与 four community clinics, that predominantly serve Black patients, to conduct interviews and focus groups with patients as well as providers to better understand the communication behaviors that positively and negatively affect Black patients. 作为这个项目的一部分, we also created a Community Advisory Board with clinic representatives from across 这个国家. The goal of this research is to develop educational programming for providers and resources for patients that enhance clinical interactions and reduce anti-black 医学中的种族主义. 另一个 project that directly addresses current events is an international survey study, of which I am Principal Investigator, about family rituals and resilience 在COVID-19大流行期间. The survey explores family rituals pre- and post-shelter-in-place 在美国和美国.S. and Israel to examine how and which type of rituals foster resilience amidst the many challenges resulting from the pandemic. 研究结果将为文化 differences in the way family is defined, the ritual behaviors that family’s practice, and how family rituals are associated with perceived ability to cope. 这项研究扩展了 theory on family systems and family rituals in terms of their utility to protect family’s against unexpected (non-normative) stressors and will support the development of practical recommendations that promote family rituals associated with greater resilience.



Three personal factors contributed to my RSCA pursuits: societal issues impacting relationships and health, scholarly partnerships, and 学生的参与. 后 the death of George Floyd and the reigniting of the Black Lives Matter movement, I 被深深地感动了吗. I wanted to help support the mission of the Black Lives Matter movement and address the historical mistreatment towards people of color. 因此, I was eager to participate in a successfully funded grant that examines and works to eliminate systemic 医学中的种族主义, particularly towards Black patients. 另一个 societal issue that I was eager to address was the pandemic and the subsequent challenges 家庭面临. As I reflected on my own struggles during the pandemic, managing the care of two young children in a dual-income household, I noticed the rituals that helped us to maintain family function and resilience. 然后我开始怀疑其他的 families, particular those who experienced greater adversity during the shelter-in-place 过渡时期,用仪式来应对. 幸运的是,我有一群同事 are also invested in addressing these societal issues. 我在斯坦福大学的同事, School of Medicine, led the effort in developing the Presence for Racial Justice study 来改善对黑人病人的照顾. The international survey to examine family rituals and resilience was made possible through my relationships with other family communication 学者. I contacted my colleagues at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Haifa to express my study idea to which they enthusiastically agreed to collaborate. Given the scope of these projects, I also wanted to include undergraduate and graduate 学生的参与. Multiple undergraduate and graduate students are supporting the Presence for Racial Justice program by coordinating interview and focus group recruitment, 安排和分析研究数据. 我还在我的 Advanced Family Communication course, where graduate students conducted a content analysis of the survey data, from operationalizing categories to coding and analyzing 数据,并写了一篇论文报告他们的发现. 这门课的几个学生 are now co-authors on a manuscript stemming from this research.




